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Luckless Life

REDNECK HACKS that may actually WORK!

REDNECK HACKS that may actually WORK!

Hold my beer, and read this!

Look at this here fancy hot-dog griller thingy! Seems stupid at first.. then boom you're trying it in your back yard! Make sure you remove any coatings from the rake first or you're gonna have a bad weiner in your mouth.

Flip Flop Gun Holster, oh yeah!
It may look stupid at first, but... yes it looks stupid the second time too. However, is it stupid if it works???

Putting his University of Alabama degree to work with this rig!

Something I would have done as a kid... looks like they got a danged'ol IMAX right there in the trailer!

I think this one is actually a low budget life hack. Props to you sir.

CHEVY ROAD PAVER! Shit son, should have used a Ford! You won't get much road paved when that truck breaks down.

Richard Petty would have done the same thing! 

Check out my new system... wait for it... it's just a little fuzzy let me fix the antenna real quick.

Because... Safety.

Caution... slide may be bumpy. Also may render you not able to sit down.



Unless you have been living under a rock, you may have noticed these giant lifted trucks driving on and off roads near you. The bigger the better! They are everywhere, from your radio to your grocery store parking lot to your TV! Nothing is sexier than a big lifted American made truck! 

There really isn't anything sexier, nothing turns a Country Girl on quite like a hardworking Man with a nice lifted truck. For a while the most irresistible force of sexiniess on earth was in fact the "Country Boy." But now it's a mixture of the truck, the Man who worked to acquire the truck and the image of being incredible masculine. In my opinion, trucks are now sexier than the Men driving them. Do you agree?

Here are some sexy trucks!

Black on Black... once you go black you never go back!

This truck is pretty extreme... but it's so F***ing sexy!

Diesel Makes her clothes fall off ;)

Okay... now I'm moist! haha

Hope you enjoyed!

Why Men Drive Women Absolutely Crazy In Relationships

Why Men Drive Women Absolutely Crazy In Relationships

Does your Man do any of these? #13 seems to be pretty common these days! 

  • 1) Men avoid talking about emotions.
  • 2) They even sometimes get angry if you start talking about your emotions.
  • 3) They always forget something you told them no more than five minutes ago.
  • 4) They sometimes have stupid double standards.
  • 5) For instance, they’re allowed to check out a girl, but they get all jealous when you check out a guy.
  • 6) When they dare to blame your monthly flow to your moodiness.
  • 7) He can be incredibly indecisive about his own feelings.
  • 8) Sometimes he tries to portray his testosterone by becoming overly possessive or unnecessarily protective of you.
  • 9) He always says he’s going to do a million things for you, and instead does zero.
  • 10) When you’re trying to tell him something and you see that glaze go over his eyes and you just know he’s stopped listening.
  • 11) Men sometimes forget to be appreciative for the things you’ve done for them.
  • 12) Sometimes they can get too comfortable too soon, and then you have to endure their farting and burping before you thought you would.
  • 13) They’ll text you and then not respond for hours even though you texted right back.
  • 14) When they get annoyed that they have to visit your family.
  • 15) And the classic, leaving the ole’ toilet seat up. Driving women crazy since the toilet seat was invented.

How does your man drive you crazy?  Share this on Facebook!